About Us
TIMBERLANDS Limited, with its main office based in Rotorua, provides a full range of forest management services to the Kaingaroa Timberlands Partnerhip, a partnership of investors who own the world renowned 200,000 ha Kaingaroa forest estate (situated in the central North Island of New Zealand). TIMBERLANDS Limited employs approximately 145 employees and manages the following forestry operations on an annual basis:
- Management of 189,000 ha of forest plantations
- Establishment of 7,000 ha
- Pruning and thinning of 11,000 ha
- Harvesting and marketing in excess of 4.0 million tonnes
- A log merchandising yard, processing 1.5 million tonnes
As a forest management company, TIMBERLANDS focus's on maximising the forest owner's returns through increasing forest value, optimising stumpage returns and maintaining operational and commercial standards to minimise risks.
Our experienced managers and their teams have a full range of knowledge and expertise to achieve the best results for the forest owner. Supported by high tech systems, broad networks and a wide range of resources, our teams effectively and efficiently plan, implement and manage forest plantation operations right across the value chain.
A management team that works across all operations to ensure the best outcome for the client. A questioning approach is encouraged within the company to foster continuous improvement.
A balanced approach to risk management including fire, health & safety and environmental. TIMBERLANDS Limited is FSC certified.
Key staff with experience in sawmilling, log processing and stumpage buying, as well as an understanding of key market drivers.
A Tree Crop team skilled in executing silviculture operations to achieve full-site occupancy for the required regime.
Commercial systems and management to safeguard clients’ funds, as well as information technology systems that ensure the integrity of our clients' businesses.
Financial reporting to allow our clients to ascertain the performance of their investment.
Resource modelling, using Woodstock and Tigermoth, to ensure optimum strategic harvest levels and wood flows.
Development of silvicultural regimes to match site characteristics and the balance between pruning and framing regimes.
Integrated GIS and GeoMaster systems for spatial data and stand record management.
Management of production thinning to ensure the most advantageous silvicultural outturn at positive stumpage without compromising the final crop.
Manages a harvesting contractor resource through both a reducing and increasing harvest without cost escalation or drop in standards.
Management of wood flows and allocation to sales to optimise grade recovery.
Selling techniques that focus on getting the best price on the day without jeopardising long-term business.