Access & Closures
Forest Access & Closures - Safety First!
- Please refer to the Safety & Risk page for general safety rules and latest Safety Alerts.
- When entering a commercial forest please adhere to all road and track closure signs, tapes and instructions and give way to all trucks and machinery at all times.
- Beware of LOGGING TRUCKS OPERATING - Please give way to, and move to the side of the road for, all heavy vehicles, especially on hills, for your own safety and the safety of trucks and drivers.
- MTB Tracks in recently logged areas may be passable but please check the Rotorua Trails Trust and Redwoods - Whakarewarewa Forest Facebook pages for the latest track closure and trail maintenance information.
- Beware of hazardous trees (fallen or leaning) resulting from recent storm events, and take appropriate safety precautions. Please report any hazardous trees to FIRST Security - 0800 347 787.
Forests Managed by TIMBERLANDS Limited
Refer to this Map for Forest Estates managed by TIMBERLANDS Limited
Refer to the links below for ACCESS & CLOSURE information relating to each individual forest managed by Timberlands Limited:
Kaingaroa & Whirinaki Forests
Rotoehu Forest
Waimangu Forest
Whakarewarewa Forest
TMOT Forest - No Public Access
TMC Forest - No Public Access