Contractor's Annual Fuel Declaration Form

Contractors, please complete the Annual Fuel Declaration form below and press SUBMIT.

  • When completing this form please record fuel used between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024 as follows:
    • Record combusted fuel only – for example hydraulic and lubricant oils are not included (these are not combusted)
    • Record fuel directly used in operations and for travel to and from work.  Third party fuel, for example by mechanics, fuel delivery, is not required.
    • Record fuel in litre measures
  • NB: Distribution contractors do not need to complete this form because we expect the Distribution fuel use calculation to be a mix of volume by km (for highway) and fuel (for 100% off highway). We will contact you separately.

Please contact Timberlands at if you have any trouble completing this Annual Fuel Declaration Form.

Contractors Annual Fuel Declaration Form Submission

Contractor Details

Contact Name*

Contractor Primary Operation

Contractor Primary Operation*
If you selected "Other" please describe here

Fuel Type & Volume (in LITRE measures)

Please complete your fuel usage in LITRE volume measures below. Numbers only please.
*Select "Petrol - Default" if you are unable to provide amount of Regular or Premium Petrol.

Regular Petrol (in litres)
Premium Petrol (in litres)
Petrol - Default* (in litres)
Diesel (in litres)
LPG (in kgs)
Heavy Fuel Oil (in litres)
Light Fuel Oil (in litres)
Biodiesel (in litres)
Bioethanol (in litres)


Were you able to provide fuel data?*
If no, please explain why you were unable to provide fuel data. NB: A Timberlands' team member will contact you in this case.