CCTV Privacy
This privacy notice relates to personal information that Timberlands Limited (Timberlands) collects via closed circuit television or surveillance cameras (collectively CCTV cameras) installed at various Timberlands sites (including within the Kaingaroa Forest) and your rights in relation to that information.
Nothing in this privacy notice limits or excludes your rights under the Privacy Act 2020 (Privacy Act).
Collection of Information
Timberlands has installed CCTV cameras at its Sala Street office, Te Ngae Nursery, Murupara Log Yard, and Kaingaroa Processing Plant. The areas of operation at each site may include reception, production, yard and boundary areas (as applicable). Audio is not recorded.
From time to time, Timberlands will also install covert CCTV cameras within Kaingaroa Forest (and other forests that Timberlands manage).
Signage advising of CCTV cameras is in place at the relevant sites, and select entry points to Kaingaroa Forest.
Purpose of Collecting Information
Timberlands utilises CCTV cameras for the purposes of:
- Monitoring the safety and security of our employees, contractors, and visitors;
- Security and loss prevention (including to deter or investigate loss or damage);
- Health and safety, including monitoring and assessing safe work practices;
- Monitoring production and processes and systems.
Security and Use of the Information
Personal information collected by Timberlands via CCTV will be kept securely for a limited period. Timberlands takes all reasonable steps to protect such personal information against loss, manipulation, misuse and unauthorised access. CCTV footage will only be viewed by authorised Timberlands senior managers.
Timberlands may use and disclose personal information collected via CCTV for the purposes noted above and as otherwise permitted by law (including by privacy principles 10 and 11 of the Privacy Act).
Accessing the Information
Any individual who is recorded by a Timberlands CCTV camera system has the right to access the footage in accordance with the Privacy Act.
Contact Details
Any requests for access to personal information or queries regarding this privacy notice should be addressed to Timberlands’ privacy officer:
Postal address: PO Box 1284, Rotorua 3040