Forest Fire Safety & Prevention
Fire is a serious threat to your safety, commercial forests and the environment so YOU need to be aware of the following fire prevention requirements and be vigilant at all times for any signs of fire, when entering the Kaingaroa Timberlands Estate, managed by Timberlands Limited (TL).
- FOREST ACCESS by Permit only
- HEALTH & SAFETY INDUCTION: All persons entering the KT Estate must complete the online TL Forest Access Health & Safety induction. See here.
- DRIVING: Lights must be on at all times
- NO OPEN FIRES permitted
- NO SMOKING permitted
When fire danger levels reach "MODERATE" forest access may be restricted and restrictions will increase as the fire danger level increases.
What to do in the Event of a Fire
Call 111 or The Radio Room 07 350 1122 or on appropriate Radio Channel - or refer to your Emergency Procedures Sticker
Fire Permits
The fire season runs from 1 October to 30 April the following year.
- Fires will NOT be permitted without a Fire Permit during the fire season.
- To apply for a Fire Permit click here.
Today's Fire Danger Level 
Refer to the Fire Danger Level for the following sectors:
- Kaingaroa Forest (Galatea, Goudies, Matea, Minginui) - LOW
- Rotoehu Forest - LOW
- Whakarewarewa Forest - LOW
Tarawera Forest - MODERATE
When fire danger levels reach "MODERATE" forest access may be restricted and restrictions will increase as the fire danger level increases.