Staff Benefits
Our Values
Manaaki | Mahi Tahi | Whanake
Care - Collaborate - Grow
We value our people and the huge contribution they make to our business and therefore we seek to offer an employment package that retains good staff and provides both direct and indirect benefits such as:
Wellbeing & Welfare Security
As part of our remuneration package TIMBERLANDS provides Southern Cross Medical Insurance (Wellbeing II Module) as well as Life, Income Protection and Trauma insurance cover to permanent employees. Annual on site health checks and flu vaccinations are also provided to ensure the health of our staff is regularly monitored. Saff are encouraged to keep fit, healthy and connected and to support this, applications for company sponsorship of entries into team sporting events are considered.
Discretionary Performance-based Incentive Scheme
As part of our remuneration package, TIMBERLANDS also offers permanent staff the ability to participate in an annual discretionary performance-based incentive scheme.
Staff Discounts
TIMBERLANDS is a member of the Rotorua Business Chamber entitling staff access to the Member Discount App which offers a number of discounts with local businesses.
Training & Professional Development
As an integral part of growing our staff, training and professional development is encouraged to optimise performance and enhance personal development. TIMBERLANDS will consider subsidising membership costs for related industry associations, such as New Zealand Institution of Forestry (NZIF), and will support staff attendance at related annual conferences. Staff are encouraged to build experience in all aspects of the business, which in turn creates opportunities for career progression.
Work/Life Balance
We understand the importance of personal family life and we are committed to providing a flexible working environment to meet both personal and business needs. TIMBERLANDS recognises the benefits of being able to retain skilled staff and therefore supports employees, who wish to take parental leave. To enable the transition back to work TIMBERLANDS will consider flexible working arrangements. A large number of our staff, who have young families, have established a strong social network, therefore social events involving families are a part of the TIMBERLANDS' culture.
Friendly & Sociable Team
Due to the social nature of the TIMBERLANDS's team we have weekly rostered morning teas and operate a company social club for frequent get-togethers. TIMBERLANDS also supports activities and team events that promote the health and well being of staff and reflect positively on the company’s image in the community. Annual celebratory events included a mid-winter Christmas dinner function, an end of year Christmas BBQ breakfast, a Family Tarawera Fishing competition and BBQ to mention a few.
Health & Safety
TIMBERLANDS has a strong focus on promoting and maintaining the health and wellbeing of all staff and contractors. We have a very active group of H&S reps who meet regularly to ensure Health & Safety is top of mind.
Epic Barista Coffee Machine
Much loved by all staff and visitors, our barista coffee machine satisfies that regular caffine fix while saving your pocket money for some other treat.